Sunday, November 6, 2011

Go Glam With Rocks...

Go Glam With Rocks...

Okay seriously, these items are to die for...
Today has been cold and I decided to spend a cozy evening with my laptop and my trusty p.h. water. I found this cool background that spoke to me. So why not jazz up this background with some uber glam rocks. I love the simplicity of the colorless color- and black and pink... I may just have to watch a Marilyn Monroe movie now. I have been looking at so many amaze jewelery that i may have to change my nail color right now. Off I go to the land of the neutral nails :) oh- and maybe a gem or two. Hope you dream in rocks tonight!

Bottega Veneta gold diamond earrings
$10,800 -

Chopard diamond jewelry

Irene Neuwirth opal earrings
$19,520 -

Rolex gold jewelry

Sydney Evan rose gold jewelry
$1,035 -

Friday, October 28, 2011

Here Is To Celebrating The Holidays Early !

I may not love the winter holidays due to the cold, but you betcha i love them due to the magical feeling in the air ! There are so many fun things to do,wear,eat -- i mean seriously who doesn't love to drink a Starbucks peppermint mocha? I hope all of you are embracing this season and all it has to offer. So i thought as a first blog post i would show all of u pictures of things that transform me to the splendid magical world that is wintertime!

Okay seriously who doesnt love Mariah Carey? Her Christmas albums are a staple in my household. I already started playing them and I will not ever get sick of them. It's no wonder why her household Christmas staple "All I Want For Christmas Is You" went double platinum!
Ohhh La Laaaa..... These boots are so sexy and immediately asked me "Aren't you glad its getting to look a lot more like Christmas?" Okay, maybe not to ALL of u .. maybe at least that song is now playing in your head. Your welcome :)

Feeling like ur loving the colder seasons but your fingernails may not? Lighten 'em up with this light pinky color!

I only have one word : Swoon.
Just because it is getting cold doesn't mean u cannot still show off some leg. These sexy jeggings do just that!
black leggings beaded with Swarovski crystals! All you need is so disco music and you are good to go!

Okay so who can seriously say this statement necklace would not jazz up the simplest blouse? I love this vintage inspired beauty!

I would love to know what are some of your favorite items that help get you into the winter season.